Monday, May 28, 2007

Welcome to Barcelona, Final cruise pics

The cruise ended in Barcelona. We had a great time on the ship. Here are some pics from the cruise. The Welcome to Barcelona Deck Party was the last of many deck parties on the ship.

We had the same servers and staff for all 14 days of the cruise. Above are our servers Ranzil, from India, and Octavio, from Romania.
We also had dinner with the same group everynight. This is our group. You should recognize the two clowns in the back row. In the front left is Cliff. He's from New York and works for ABC. The others are Ray and Nancy. They live in San Jose, CA. Ray was born in Egypt and moved to CA in his 20s. Nancy is from Chile originally and worked for Delta and is now retired. She can fly Delta for free, 1st class, anywhere in the world. Not bad.

That's me with our stateroom staff person, Brian. He's from Mumbai, India. He was really nice and helpful. We gave him the biggest tip.

We were getting ready for Pirate night on the ship. We watched the world premeire of Pirates of the Caribbean 3. Movie was alright but it was free so we didn't care.

This is Rich and Donald. They live in Orlando and work for Disney. Cool guys, we hung out with them during the last week of the trip.

Jon loves our cruise director Rachel.

Our welcome to Barcelona from Disney. It was quite the fireworks display. The cruise was the maiden transatlantic voyage for Disney, so I guess it was a big deal. Rumor has it we will be able to sell some of our stuff on ebay to collectors becuase it was the first crossing.


Anonymous said...

I think I'm a big fan of cruise director Rachel as well.


Anonymous said...

Great photos- looks like a lot of fun. Who took the picture in your stateroom of you two getting "pirated" up?

Jonathan said...

It must have been set on a timer because we were the only people in the stateroom. Unless, big Rich was hiding in the closet.