Friday, October 26, 2007

I did get to play softball

One of the only things I missed while I was in Europe was playing baseball. I was back in time for the final game of the season and the playoffs. After that, I coached and played on our fall ball team. These pictures are from one of our fall games. We finished 6-4.
This one hit the fence in center for an in-the-park homerun.

I was also able to play in two tournaments at the end of the year. The highlight of the season was my last at bat. I hit a two run homer over the left field fence. It was a good end to the season.
This is me, managing the fall team.


Anonymous said...

who took the pics?

Jonathan said...

Let's not forget about the swinging strike out or the fact that the home was wind aided. Good form on the in-the-parker though.