Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Race for the Cure 5K

On Sunday, I ran the Greater Lansing Komen Race for the Cure 5K. I ran the 5K last year but I had trained and was running every day. Needless to say, I haven't been running every day and my time was a minute and a half off from last year. This year, I crossed the finish line with a time of 26:11 which isn't that bad. It turned out to be a beautiful day. I ran with Rob and Julie's team. Both Rob and I happened to show up at the Komen race with American Cancer Society shirts on! Represent! I did put the Komen shirt on for the race.

I think the wind was blowing in our face the entire race. At least that's what it felt like. I'm glad I ran again and perhaps next year I'll make it 3 years in a row.

I was happy with my time and think I did about as good as I could. I celebrated with a free yogurt, banana and bottled water, the lunch of champions. After that, I went to my first softball game of the year and hit my first in-the-park homerun of the year. It was a shot to rightcenter that just kept sailing and sailing.

Here are some pictures from the Komen event. I don't think I made the newspaper but at least I made it into a couple of pictures. I'm styling with the headband, sunglasses and backwards hat.

There I am! Julie is in brown on the left. Rob is behind me, you can't really see him, and his Mom ran, she is on the right, also behind me.

Here I am in all my glory.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

You may be curing cancer but you're killing the environment with that bottled water.