Friday, August 8, 2008


So, I applied for a job in Chicago with the American Heart Association. As some of you may know, I applied for this same job a year and a half ago. I ended up being one of two finalists for the position and they gave it to the other candidate because she had more in-state experience.

Well, she has left that position and it is now open. Considering the response I received from them following my last interview, I give myself an excellent shot at getting the job. I assume I will at least get an in-person interview so I'll be on my way to Chicago at some point this month. If they offer me the job, I'm not sure if I will take it, I will have to think about it. All of this won't matter if I don't get an offer. So I'm not even going to worry about it for now. I guess this is my chance to move on from Lansing and finally go to Chicago like I always talk about.

We'll see what happens.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

You better not be afraid to do WHATEVER it takes this time. And hopefully you won't get a parking ticket either. It's a longer commute from my new apartment to downtown for the interview.